Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Wonders of a Suburban Milwaukee Grocery Store

Lay's Chicken & Waffles: The much acclaimed chip-styled oddity is back, and those of us who did not get it the first time should be grateful, because odds are that this is the closest to the Second Coming we will see in our lifetime.

Kombucha Soda (LIVE Soda): Supposedly this is a cola. Really it is Kombucha with the aftertaste of a cola. And that is scientific progress that should be lauded.

FiberONE Chocolate Fudge Brownies: I strongly suspect that premise this is healthy is bullshit, but it is like having a Little Debbie Fudge Brownie with the added effect of your daily dosage of fiber. So that's a plus.

Combine all three: A perfectly good excuse for me to make a post on this blog. I don't actually recommend eating them together, unless you are not scared for an odd yet satisfying battle across your taste buds.

But yes people, the Arugula Eater is rambling once again.  Serious things, silly things, stupid things, and somethings, the Arugula Eater will incoherently, coherently ramble about them, ideally in some manner that involves alliteration.