Friday, June 12, 2009

Live Blog Post, 5:30: Green Revolution 2009 (Iran's Election)

So, I haven't posted much in a while, because I have yet to find anything worth posting after that first humorous rant. However this time, the subject matter as you probably have surmised is much more serious. Iran's elections ended approximately 3 hours ago, and there is still no real decisive result as far as I am concerned unless the idiotic projections that are being stated now magically become final results. Because Iran's elections are possibly the most important elections this year for US foreign policy over the next half-decade and because of my own Iranian descent the next few posts will be a summary of the election results and important details to know.

What we know as of now:
  • Official reports have announced Iran's incumbent, Mahmoud Ahmadinijad as victor with a ridiculous 15 million to 5 million margin of the 47.3% total votes. (
  • Both Ahmadinijad and Mir-Hossein Mousavi have declared victory around midnight in Tehran time, with Mousavi originally boasting 65% of the vote. (
  • Mousavi has since brought up allegations of election fraud, saying his pollwatchers were banned from entering certain polling places, crowds were turned away in North Tehran, paper ran out for the ballots, etc. (BBC World Service Radio)
  • There was an estimated 70-80% turnout (32 million I am being told), the largest turnout ever in Iranian history (Various sources)
  • The IRNA (Iranian News Agency) has insisted on already calling the election for Ahmadinijad, even when only 35% of the polls were counted.
Now what I intend to do is to break down Iranian politics piece by piece as the polls update and see if there is any hope left for the reformist factions. Oh, and in the interest of transparency, in case it wasn't already obvious, I am a proud supporter of the reformists and Mir-Hossein Mousavi.

EDIT: Oh and I thank a good friend for keeping me up to date for stats. Crazy election following buddy.

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